![]() 12/04/2013 at 11:51 • Filed to: Paul Walker, Fast and Furious | ![]() | ![]() |
In a case of No Shit, Sherlock a woman called Adora Bull has written an article saying she's glad Paul Walker is dead - for no more than trashy celebrity reasons.
Then she receives a ton of abuse and threatens to commit suicide.
What a f*cked up world.
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .
![]() 12/04/2013 at 11:56 |
Seriously, a writer whose pseudonym is "Adorable"? I'm convinced she's a fictional character altogether.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 11:56 |
This has been posted like four times, and it always leads to a shitstorm in the comments. You have been warned.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 11:58 |
That's the internet for you. While she shouldn't get death threats, or anything that threatens her physical well-being, she should have over-prepared herself for what shit-storm she was cooking up.
If it were me playing internet tough guy, I'd try to ruin her writing career.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 12:00 |
She may have already done that for you.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 12:01 |
Ah! Cheers. I hadn't spotted. Having a humungously busy week which is why I've only been posting links
![]() 12/04/2013 at 12:08 |
"She" probably is. I find it all to be click bait anyways.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 12:25 |
http://teamcoco.com/video/aziz-ans… — instructive.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 12:29 |
How about she does not exist, it is a made for the occasion personage, and what about it was all created for clicks, like some other sites do once in awhile. Bad taste, but dollar is mighty.
![]() 12/04/2013 at 21:00 |
Deep, last name Throat, is quoted as wishing that Adora’s future child dies in a car accident.
Can't you just say commenter "Deep Throat"? Jesus.
![]() 12/05/2013 at 15:11 |
Here's the real story. I'm 90% positive Adora Bull is a fake name. Its a small blog, haven't been operating that long. They have no ads and appear to have two writers. It's poorly written. They dont' have that many posts and most have 0-5 comments with a few more inflammatory ones that have a little more. They have two writers and thats it.
Its likely they did this on purpose and are loving it. Its likely she isn't under police protection or that her car was broke. It's also likely that no one knows her real name. They're nothing, just assholes. They are literally nothing. I have more posts on my personal blog and some of them have more comments and shares than this garbage. They trolled the internet and won. But soon people will see their writing is garbage and they'll be back to nothing again.
![]() 12/05/2013 at 18:59 |
Bottom Line: Fake Writer trolls internet with hateful post about Paul Walker , fake news site publishes lies about harassment, police protection, and vandalized car.
Internet Satire, so many attempt, very few are good or successful at it. Browsing around today I clicked on a link that sent me to a blog called Modern Woman Digest featuring a post titled: “Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Glad Paul Walker is Dead”.
Obviously, I recognized this person was trying to troll everyone and get attention. It was hateful and ignorant. It wasn’t funny and wasn’t well written in any way. But, having done a search on the internet I found that hundreds of websites had linked to it, it was plastered all over reddit with thousands of comments. So, I started looking a little beyond the incredibly trollish nature of the post, it seemed weird for a blog that purports to be about the challenges of womanhood to be writing about.
But it was posted all over Reddit , including one post in r/movies and a Google search for this hateful blog posts yielded untold thousands of other websites writing about it. So I looked at who the author is, “Adora Bull”. Interesting and very fake sounding name for a “writer” of a supposedly legitimate blog.
There was an “update” to the story also posted on Modern Woman Digest about how “Adora Bull” is receiving death threats and is now in hiding, under police protection, and that her car was destroyed by crazed Fast and the Furious fans. I have no doubt that whoever the real person is behind Adora Bull was receiving hateful comments, but her claim that her car had been destroyed and she was under police protection rang false with me.
I got more and more interested as I noted that “Modern Woman Digest” seems to have only been operating for a couple months, and have many bizarre posts about “Why You Should Date an Asshole” and how videogames are turning your children into Homosexuals. or how SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) has been renamed Regretful Mother Syndrome”
OK! So, obviously its a fake “blog”. But what about the news story about the death threats, destroyed car and police custody? How did these angry fans even figure out her real name? Or where she lives? Or what car she drives? So I clicked on the “news” story linked to by Modern Woman Digest, a place called National Report . The story contains a picture of a destroyed car and writes about Adora Bull as if she was a real person and Modern Woman Digest as if it was a real blog, instead of a cheap fraud. How could this be?
The “writer” of the news story for National Report is listed as “Jane M. Agni”, another fake sounding name with a fake biography claiming to have a bestseller that appeared on Oprah’s book club. ThenI noticed Jane M. Agni is also the only other writer (along with Adora Bull) who is listed on Modern Woman Digest’s site. Why would a real news organization allow a writer to write about a story she is obviously connected to? What is National Report anyway?
So, I decided to do a Google Image Search on the picture of the smashed car to see if I could find more evidence. AHA! The top result was from twitter, someone tweeted out a picture of this car on November 24, 2013 before the original troll article was even written (obviously). If you compare the two, they are obviously not only the same car, but obviously the same picture. Only the tweet said it was a Lamborghini vandalized at The Galleria in Houston, Texas apparently by some random naked man .
Side by side, with the “news” story and the tweet, you can see its the same picture, same car, same dark color car sitting next to it. OK! Now we’re getting somewhere! Why is this news website posting a picture about this fake writer, her fake website, and this car that was damaged in Houston, not in New York as it claims?
Ah, clicking their top banner took me to their archives, quickly revealing this news site is fake as well . Like The Onion, although not as well known (yet). Their other articles include stories about: a man finding $6 million in Bitcoins (a digital currency) at a garage sale, President Obama taking away guns with the EPA, and a Maryland Middle School forcing children to cross dress . A Maryland middle school that… doesn’t exist.
According to the Snopes.com report
on the Maryland story, revealed that National Report previously included a disclaimer on their stories, which they now no longer include. It reads: “National Report is a news and political satire web publication, which may or may not use real names, often in semi-real or mostly fictitious ways. All news articles contained within National Report are fiction, and presumably fake news. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.”
So, in summary: Modern Women Digest is a fake, satirical blog actively trying to troll you. It is written by two undoubtedly fake writers and supported by a fake news site that seeks to make unfunny, satirical posts that seem real in order to be repeated all over the internet.
![]() 12/05/2013 at 19:28 |
![]() 12/05/2013 at 19:29 |
The whole article is fake. It was made by the National Report. They're like the Onion, but lesser known. That's why people don't catch on as fast.